Labor News

Labor Board Declines Arbitrator’s Weingarten Analysis

In October 2019, the police chief for the City of Elgin, Illinois announced officer shift assignments for the following calendar year. Officers chose their vacation days for 2020 based on seniority. Brett Essick, who had been a City police officer for over a decade, was assigned to the midnight shif

City Lawfully Terminated Officer For Racially Charged Threat Against Chief

Michael Shreffler started working as an officer in the Kankakee, Illinois Police Department in 2009. From 2013 through 2017, he received several written reprimands and one-day suspensions for violating various Department rules. Among other issues, Shreffler had posted offensive Facebook comments and

High Bar To Prove Constructive Discharge

John Peters worked as a trooper for the Louisiana State Police (LSP) for 27 years. In October 2020, Colonel Lamar Davis, who is black, was appointed Superintendent of the LSP. After taking office, Davis publicly announced that he would “purge the culture problem of racist policing in Troop F.” Peter

Anxiety Caused By Coworker Does Not Excuse Officer’s Marijuana Use

Steven Allen was a deputy in New Jersey with the Gloucester County Sheriff’s Department. In December 2016, Allen was assaulted by a fellow officer, while on duty, that resulted in surgeries for ulnar nerve decompression in his dominant hand and a cervical disc replacement for which he was on leave f