About Us


Dedicated to improving working conditions, wages and benefits, and to monitoring legislation at all levels of government to protect police officers' rights and to continually improve law enforcement in Rochester.

The name "Locust Club" actually refers to the kind of wood that all Rochester police nightsticks were once made from.

We have a distinguished 100-year-old history.

635 active members.


  • Safer working conditions for Locust Club members
  • Improved communications with members, citizens, media, Rochester Police management, and political figures
  • Secure police officers rights and benefits


The Rochester Police Locust Club is the recognized bargaining agent for uniformed officers of the Rochester Police Department.  It acts as the union for the city’s police force.  The Locust Club has not always been a bargaining agent.  Initially, the Locust Club operated as a social club for police officers.  It became the first club of this type in New York State.  The Locust Club was the second police club in the nation, preceded only by a small police department in California.

Its goal was to improve conditions for its members in the workplace and to provide a place to socialize.  Over the years the club has changed.  No longer is the Locust Club solely a social gathering place.  It is now an organization that protects police officer’s rights and secures their benefits and salaries.  This is a full time job for the officers of the club.

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